Adele – Rolling in the Deep

Hello my fellow Misfits! So, again, I have a new idea. Every Sunday, I will put up a youtube clip of the song that was the best noveling song… that is to say, the song that gave me most inspiration to write! Love the idea? Hate it? Let me know in the comment section bellow! Anywho, best song this week: Rolling in the Deep by Adele!

Life In Tatters Question #1

Hello my fellow Misfits! First off, I’d like to point out the title of this post, and ask you to pay special attention to the “Question #1” part. I will do more of these “I-need-your-help-please” posts, hence the #1 part, and I will ask you to bear with me. OK, so please read the text bellow and then tell me if it makes sense or not – or if it just sounds plain stupid. Suggestions as to how I could improve it is welcomed.

      “I don’t really know who that person was… I know who that person used to be,” I told him, trying to sound indifferent.

      “Ok,” and that was all he said. Ok. As if he didn’t care that I’d lied to him, which, no matter how I claimed the point that what I said could be interpreted in several different ways, I actually had lied. 

Stupid? Not stupid? Let me know in the comment section bellow!

Remember people: Embrace The Misfits That Is Us!

Favorite Quote #1

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book.”  ~Author Unknown

Hello my fellow Misfits! So, I was thinking about doing this thing where I every once in a while, post my favorite quotes (most of them book quotes – duh!) and then basically explaining why it’s my favorite quote… Stupid? Not stupid? Tell me what you think in the comment sections bellow.

      The reason why I love this quote so much is because it is so true! I read this book called The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin and in the introduction of this book she talks about how when we read a book we all become momentarily insane – believing that people who aren’t really there are there, and that the things that are happening the book are happening to us as well. Really interesting, and again, so true! The book wasn’t excellent (so don’t read it) but then again, to completely contradict myself, the introduction is so amazing that you have to read the book!

Don’t worry, by the way, I confuse myself as well!

Back to the quote – when you think about it, we really and truly believe that we are the people we read about, and so when horrible and devastating things happen to them, we cry. When some humorous happens to/with them, we laugh. When the book is complete, we feel empty because our lives as that character are essentially over, and we will never experience that feeling with that character again.

At least, that’s my perception of the entire dilemma. I love this quote, and I think that you should too!

Remember people: Embrace The Misfits That Is Us!

Life In Tatters

Hello my fellow Misfits! If you’ve read some of my previous posts, then you might’ve realized that I am doing NaNoWriMo as of current. I’m very excited about all of this, and I really want to get my book published… that would amazing! However, I have one teeny tiny problem… I can not do book covers. And that kind of ruins everything if I can’t make a decent cover. So, read my summary bellow and then I have a little question to ask you…

Rose Hall is a werewolf who has recently moved down from her hometown in Alaska to Washington D.C. and is working at a modern/old-fashioned (don’t ask how that’s possible, it just is!) bookstore. Then, when her boss is unexpectedly murdered, Rose is dragged into an enigmatic place of vampires, death, and annoyingly, ruggedly handsome, Alpha werewolves.

So… what do you think? I know it’s a little cliché, but then again I kind of have a thing for clichés. So, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to how I could make my book cover… ‘Cause I am completely at loss.

Remember people: Embrace The Misfits That Is Us!