The Host Movie

Hello my fellow Misfits! So, for a couple of months now, this youtube trailer about the Host (a book by Stephenie Meyer, also author of the Twilight Saga which is being made into a movie) and I would describe it as a watering hole before reaching a big city; it sustains us for a while, but sooner or later we’re going to want the real thing. Anywho, check it out, it’s a 6 out of 10 on the awesome scale:

So… did you like it? Do you agree with me? Watering hole, right? I really do want to watch a “real” trailer, and not just a teaser trailer, but… this will suffice for now.

Remember people: Embrace The Misfits That Is Us!

P.S., I know that I “misspelled” “anywho”, but I think it sounds more awesome this way, so that’s why I do it!

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